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Explain the different building blocks of XML document.

This question has 7 answers so far.

Explain following in brief any ten):-

(a) SMTP

(b) XML Parser

(c) Java Vs Java script

(d) <marquee>

(e) Class Vs ID Selector

(f) HTTP .

(g) Get Vs Post Method

(h) NaN

(i) <font?

(g) Hypertext

(k) Container Vs Empty tags


This question has 1 answers so far.
Compare JAVA with JAVA sctipt. This question has 1 answers so far.
Mention attractive features of Mark Up Languages. Also differentiate between HTML aurid XML. This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain the following HTML Tags with their attributes

(i) <meta> 

(ii) <img>



This question has 2 answers so far.

Explain the differences between frames and i-frame? What are the benefits of using frames in a webpage?

This question has 2 answers so far.

Explain the difference between external and internal DTD. Write a DTD for student information system including student name, Enrolment Number, Date of Birth, address etc. 

This question has 1 answers so far.
Compare the terms Browser and a Search Engine. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the correlation between JAVA and Internet. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by term downloading? This question has 0 answers so far.
Why JAVA is considered as platform independent language? This question has 1 answers so far.
What do you understand by Homepage? How would you specify the location of Homepage? This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the steps for creation of web page using internet explorer/netscape. Navigator. This question has 0 answers so far.
) Define www. What are the various features of WWW? This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe HTTP and URL. What are the various components that constitute a URL? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the term Frame. What are the components of frames? Explain briefly. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the role of browser. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the control structures available in JAVA? Explain using suitable examples. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the concept of multithreading in JAVA. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain JavaScript and its functioning. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a program that will compute factorial value of given number. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you understand by dynamic WEB pages? How does CGI help in generating dynamic WEB pages? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain this importance of D'TML in real life. This question has 0 answers so far.
Compare DHTML and JAVA cript. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the role of HTML and CSS in XML. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the major components of XMLP Explain briefly. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a search engine? Explain its working. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the protocol POP3? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is an object? Explain different types of objects in java script. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain different types of lists. How do we decide which type of list is required? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the various Junctions of browser. Nume any two browsers. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write HTML code to design a form containing the Name fields. Also, make buttons to send the data and clear the data in the fields This question has 0 answers so far.
Write HTML code to design a form containing the Address fields. Also, make buttons to send the data and clear the data in the fields This question has 0 answers so far.
Write HTML code to design a form containing the Mobile number fields. Also, make buttons to send the data and clear the data in the fields This question has 0 answers so far.
Write HTML code to design a form containing the Hobbies fields. Also, make buttons to send the data and clear the data in the fields This question has 0 answers so far.
Write HTML code to design a form containing the sex fields. Also, make buttons to send the data and clear the data in the fields This question has 0 answers so far.
.Write HTML code to design a form containing the e-mail fields. Also, make buttons to send the data and clear the data in the fields. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is domain ?Name four different domain names and their meaning. This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate between client side and server side maps. Write HTML code for server side map covering all types of shapes. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by a tag? Explain the PRE tag. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by a tag? Explain the CITE tag. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by a tag? Explain the Q tag. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by a tag? Explain the EM tag. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a program which prints out a different greeting based on whether or not it is morning or not. It also, prints the name of the day of the week for today. This question has 1 answers so far.
Explain the && operator. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the ! operator. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the == operator. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the != operator. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a program to illustrate a user defined function. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are cascading style sheets? Explain different types of style sheets. Explain style sheet precedence rules. Write code for LINK tag. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the structure of the Document object. This question has 2 answers so far.
What is an event? Discuss various types of events (broad categories). What do you mean by event firing and event handles? Explain. Write coding to disable the capability for a user to click on an anchor link. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write differences between HTML and XML. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain different parts of XML language. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a passer? Explain two broad categories of passers. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the two prominent ways for a passer to report? What if finds, what should be considered while choosing a passer? This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the differences between HTML and XML. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain different types of hyperlinks. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain any four image formats used for the web This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain any four basic data types in Javascript. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the Pre HTML tags. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the A HTML tags. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the Img HTML tags. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the font HTML tags. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a search engine? Explain its working. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain POP and IMAP. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a list? Explain different types of lists in HTML with example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the steps to form floating frames in HTML. Write code to form a floating frame. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is JavaScript? Explain Client-side JavaScript and Server-side JavaScript. Write javascript code to display current date and time at the click of a button. This question has 0 answers so far.
Demonstrate onChange event handler in JavaScript code when Input focus exist the field after the user modifies its text. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of DHTML? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the Object Model? List any four objects, HTML elements and their properties. This question has 0 answers so far.
How do you create layers in DHTML? Explain with code. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are transitions in DHTML? Explain four different types of filter. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain three features of Dreamweaver. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is web publishing? What is required to publish web content?Explain two web publishing tools. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a mark up language? Discuss the features of mark up languages. This question has 0 answers so far.
What functions do XML parsers perform. Explain. This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

(a) What do you mean by Web hosting and Publishing? Explain with the help of an example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

b) Write a note on History of Internet.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

(c) How HTML is different from that of XML? Explain.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

(d) How do we use XML in a web application? Explain.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

(e) What do you mean by WYSIWYG Design tools?

This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

(f) What do you mean by DTD's using XML?

This question has 0 answers so far.

Answer questions briefly :-

(g) Explain with the help of an example XML Parser.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain HTML Page. Explain all Important Tags with help of an example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What do you mean by E-mail and its Protocols? 

This question has 0 answers so far.

 What is Static Web Development?

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is CSS and describe all Selectors with their use and examples? Also explain verious types of CCS with the help of an example. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

Create an HTML website for entering Pizza Order with customer information and validate some controls using Java Script and also sue css. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is DOM? How is it beneficial to use in a web browser, give some examples. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain DHTML in detail. Also explain, with the help of an example,Filters and Transitions. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

 What are the important steps in Website creation and maintenance?Explain them.

This question has 0 answers so far.

 Explain the role of Dream weaver tool in website development with the help of an example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What are the Building blocks of XML Document? Explain.

This question has 0 answers so far.

 Explain XML Naming rules in detail.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Design a HTML Form for an Employee. Include following elements:

(a) Name (b) Qualification (c) Designation (d) Gender (e) Address (f) Hobbies. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Write program to implement the usage of onmouseover and onmouseout event.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Write a program in Java Script to find factorial of number using functions.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) What are Cascading Style Sheets? Explain different types of style sheets with the help of code. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Explain following methods with example

(i) absd()      (ii) replaced()      (iii) charAt()      (iv) getDate() 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Explain following filters (any two:-

(i) Mask     (ii) Blur     (iii) Wave  

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Briefly explain Document Object Model.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain all the four types of positioning in DHTML with example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) What is XML? Briefly explain its various Building Blocks.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Differentiate between HTML and XML.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain Web Publishing in detail. What is its need? Also tell about any Web Publishing Tool. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

What do you mean by e-mail? Explain POP, IMAP and SMTP protocols in detail. 

This question has 2 answers so far.

Design a HTML form for a student registration with fields like name, age, Father's name, address, contact number, course applied for etc. The form should have two buttons for submission and to reset the value. Also set the background color of the form and set its font size to 14 Times New Roman. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

What is Java Script? Explain the strengths and weaknesses of JavaScript. 

This question has 2 answers so far.

How arrays are declared in Java. Explain the methods for creating an array in Java Script. Also write any five methods of array object in detail with example.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Discuss the different Built-in objects in Java Script by giving a suitable example of each. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

Write a program to accept a phone number from a user and generate an alert message if it contains more than 12 digits. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

Explain how DHTML is different from HTML. Also explain the elements of DHTML. 

This question has 3 answers so far.

What are filters and Transitions in DHTML? Write a program to show transition effect on an image of your choice.

This question has 2 answers so far.
Discuss the structure of the Document object. This question has 2 answers so far.

What do you mean by event bubbling? Write a program to change the alignment of a text using dynamic HTML. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

What is web hosting? Explain different hosting types and components.

This question has 2 answers so far.

Explain various XML Parsers in detail.

This question has 1 answers so far.

What do you mean by the Internet and Intranet? Also, explain their merits and demerits.

This question has 1 answers so far.

What do you mean by a web portal? Explain different types of web portals available.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Explain various data types used in Java Script.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Explain how Java is different from Java Script.

This question has 1 answers so far.

List the differences between HTML and XML.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q1. Attempt the following:

a) Differentiate between Java and Java Script.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q1.  Attempt any five of the following:

b) Differentiate between Container and Empty Tag. examples of Empty Tags. Give five examples of empty tags.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q.1. Attempt the following:

 c) Write a note on the History of the Internet. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q.1. Attempt the following:

d) What is Cascading Style Sheet? Write the advantages of using CSS with HTML

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q.1. Attempt the following:

e) Explain Document Object Model

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q.1. Attempt the following:

f)Explain Web Portal and its types

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q.1. Attempt the following:

g) Explain Font Tag in HTML by giving an example,

This question has 1 answers so far.

What are frames? What are advantage and disadvantage of using frame while designing web site? Write program to design the following frame and link each frame with 5 different web pages. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

What is Hotspot? Explain different types of hotspots by considering an Image Map of your choice.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Design a student registration form in HTML which includes Name, Password, Gender, Address, Hobbies and a Text area for Comments.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Briefly explain various built-in objects in Java Script by giving a suitable example of each. Also difference between "Inner HTML", "Outer HTML" and "Inner Text". 

This question has 1 answers so far.

Write a program in Java Script that receives a number from the user and displays the factorial of that number.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Explain various types of CSS with the help of an example.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Explain different ways through which Javascript code can be attached with web page. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

 What is the use of Filters and Transitions in DHTML? Write a program to show transition effect on an image of your choice. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Write a program to show the use of onclick, on mousehover and onmouseout events. 

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Differentiate between HTML and DHTML Explain any five filters of your choice that can be applied to a given image.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Differentiate between HTML and XML.

This question has 1 answers so far.

What is Web Hosting and Web Publishing? Explain any web publishing tool in brieF.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 What is XML? Briefly explain its various building blocks.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 Explain various XML Parsers in details.

This question has 1 answers so far.