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Attempt following in brief:

a) Differentiate between hard and soft computing.

b) Draw an architecture of Neural Network and explain

c) What is Hopfield network? Explain the algorithm to store and recall a set of bipolar patterns in Hopfield network.

d) Explain the error correction process and gradient descent rule.

e) Find AUB and complement of AUB for the following two fuzzy sets:

A= {1/1.0+0.75/1.5+0.3/2.0+0.15/2.5+0/3}


This question has 0 answers so far.

Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning. Give one example of each. 

This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Association terms associated with associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate funny set and crisp set and mention and limitations of any system? This question has 0 answers so far.
Design the steps involved to solve any one of the optimization problem using Hopfield neural network. State the problem clearly and explain the mapping of the same to the Hopfield network. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a feed forward neural network? Differentiate between the learning phase and the classification phase. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Reliability of the answer terms associated with associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Retrieval terms associated with associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain learning terms associated with associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Heteroassociation terms associated with associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
With reference to fuzzy sets, explain cardinality of fuzzy sets, height of fuzzy sets and empty fuzzy sets. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the associative memory and its functioning using neat diagram. This question has 0 answers so far.
State and explain the classifications of the parallel genetic algorithm. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is alpha-cut? How it is useful in creating crisp set? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define fuzzy set and explain fuzzy set operations. Discuss properties of fuzzy sets. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give an example of crossover operator, mutation operator and selection operator. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain extension principle using suitable example. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the necessity of activation functions? This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by fuzzy propositions? Give any two examples from daily life. This question has 0 answers so far.
Mention one application of Fuzzy logic and elaborate why fuzzy systems are used? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between the classic proposition and fuzzy proposition. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between alpha or lambda cut set? How many fuzzy relation can be converted into a crisp relation using lamda-cut process? Explain any one method of deffuzeification. This question has 0 answers so far.
State the importance of genetic algorithm. Explain travelling salesman problem and its optimization using genetic algorithms. This question has 0 answers so far.
Compare feed-forward network and feedback network. This question has 0 answers so far.

 What are activation function? Differentiate between Binary Sigmodial and Bipolar Sigmoidal function.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What are Fuzzy Set? Enlist and explain various operators on Fuzzy Set.What do you mean by Lambda-Cut?

This question has 0 answers so far.

What do you mean by Lambda-Cut? What is defuzzification method? Enlist and explain various defuzzification methods. (6)

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is learning in neural networks? Explain linear separable and non linearly separable pattern with example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Write short note on following:

a) Multivalued Logics

b) Reinforcement of learning

c) Associative memory

d) Fitness functions

This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain error back propagation training algorithm with the help of flowchart.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What are linguistic variables? How they are different from numeric variable.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is fuzzy inference system? Explain all types of is fuzzy inference system. What is Fuzzy preposition?

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is fuzzy relation? Draw a bipartite and simple fuzzy graph of the following relation

X= {X1, X2, X3, X4}

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Obtain the output of the neuron Y for the network shown in following figure using Binary Sigmodial and Bipolar Sigmodial function.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Describe McCulloch-Pitts Neuron. Implement "AND" function using .McCulloch-Pitts Neuron.

This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the limitation of back propagation learning. Describe the Boltzmann machine. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the operations of fuzzy sets and its usefulness. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the various properties of Fuzzy Arithmetic and Lattice of fuzzy numbers. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain back propagation training algorithm with an example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss learning in Neural network compare different learning rules. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the operations performed on crisp relation. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss and explain Crisp sets with its fundamental concept. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain fuzzy rule generation with examples. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the properties of fuzzy sets. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write short note on Associative Memories. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is interpolative mode of counter propagation network? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the significance of hidden layer. How it is useful in pattern recognition and control problem. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain and differentiate between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Paradigms. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Perceptron Model with the help of example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Genetic algorithm, why these algorithms are known as Genetic Algorithm. How is it usefully over simple traditional algorithm? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define uncertainty and its usefulness in soft computing. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain about fuzzy logics and its applications. This question has 0 answers so far.
With reference to fuzzy sets, explain cardinality of fuzzy sets, height of fuzzy sets and empty fuzzy sets. This question has 0 answers so far.
Compare feed-forward network and feedback network. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between alpha or lambda cut set? How many fuzzy relation can be converted into a crisp relation using lamda-cut process? Explain any one method of deffuzeification. This question has 0 answers so far.
Mention one application of Fuzzy logic and elaborate why fuzzy systems are used? This question has 0 answers so far.
Design the steps involved to solve any one of the optimization problem using Hopfield neural network. State the problem clearly and explain the mapping of the same to the Hopfield network. This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain following terms associated with associative memory:

i) Association

ii) Heteroassociation

iii) Learning

iv) Retrieval

v) Reliability of the answer

This question has 0 answers so far.

Four steps of Hebbian learning of a single-neuron network have been implemented starting with w1= (1,-1]t for learning constante c= 1 using inputs as follows:

Draw the neuron model for this problem and find the final weight after four steps for bipolar continuous f(net), 

This question has 0 answers so far.
What is alpha-cut? How it is useful in creating crisp set? This question has 0 answers so far.
State the importance of genetic algorithm. Explain travelling salesman problem and its optimization using genetic algorithms. This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate between feed forward and feedback neural network. This question has 0 answers so far.

Differentiate fuzzy set and crisp set and mention and limitations of fuzzy system? 

This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a feed forward neural network? Differentiate between the learning phase and the classification phase. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the associative memory and its functioning using neat diagram. This question has 0 answers so far.
State and explain the classifications of the parallel genetic algorithm. This question has 0 answers so far.

Let A be a fuzzy set defined by: A = 0.5/x1 + 0.4/X2 +0.7/x3 +0.8/X4+1/x5.Find  and strong  of A

This question has 0 answers so far.
Write short note on Neuro Fuzzy System. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write short note on Hopfield's Network. This question has 0 answers so far.