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(b) Given the memory partitions of 100K, 500K, 200K, 300K & 600K (in order). Explain the working of Best fit, First fit & Worst fit algorithms for the processes of size 220 K, 410K, 115K & 430K. Which is the most efficient algorithm?

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(b) Write short note on the following:

(i) Virtual Memory

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(b) Write short note on the following:

(ii) Threats to System Security

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(b) Write short note on the following:

(ii) Threats to System Security

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Write short note on the following:

(iv) Role of Operating System

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(b) Write short note on the following:

(iv) swapping

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Describe the following allocation algorithm:

(i) First fit (ii) Best fit (m) Worst fit 

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Define the criteria of comparison among CPU scheduling algorithms 

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What are the two differences between user-level threads and Kernel level threads? 

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Define the term busy waiting. Can busy waiting be avoided altogether?Explain your answer. 

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What is the difference between Semaphores and Monitors? Explain with suitable examples.

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What is the difference between Semaphores and Monitors? Explain with suitable examples.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain Seek Time, Rotational latency and constant angular velocity.

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Briefly explain the role of the compiler, loader and memory management hardware in the following address binding schemes:

(i) Compile time binding

(ii) Load time binding

(iii) Run time binding.

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Differentiate between interprocess communication and synchronization with example? 

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(a) Discuss Resource Allocation Graph Algorithm in detail.

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(b) Discuss various types of disk Scheduling techniques.

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(a) What are multiprocessor systems? List their advantages and explain different types of multiprocessor systems. 

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(a) Differentiate between Paging and Segmentation Discuss the concept of Paging in detail with the help of the suitable diagram. 

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Show how you would implement a counting semaphores using binary semaphores.

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Explain the purpose of create, open and close in file system.

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Explain logical and physical file system. This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain file attributes and data access techniques.

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Define the "Free Space Management" techniques.

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Discuss all File allocation methods.

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Suppose that a driver has 5000 cylinders, numbered 0 to 4999. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143 and the previous request was at cylinder 125.

The queue of pending requests in FIFO order is-

866, 1470, 913, 1774, 948, 1509, 1022, 1750, 130

Starting from current head position, what is the total distance (in cylinders) that the disk arm moves to satisfy all pending requests for each of the following disk scheduling algorithms?

(a) FCFS (ii) SSTF (1) SCAN (iv) LOOK (V) C-SCAN (vi) C-LOOK

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Consider the following snapshot of a system:

(i) Find out the total no. of instances of each resource type.

(ii) What is the content of need matrix?

(iii) Is the system is in safe state? If yes, then what is safe sequence?

(iv) If a request can be process P1 arrives for (0, 4, 2, 0) can the request be granted immediately?

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What is Deadlock? List four necessary conditions for the occurrence of deadlock.

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(a) What is an operating system? Discuss the main services of operating system and also discuss the purpose of system calls in operating system 

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Describe Producer Consumer problem, and Dinning philosopher problem with its possible solution. 

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Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds: 

The processes are assumed to be arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4,and P5 all at time 0.

(i)Draw the Gantt Chart illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, Preemptive priority, non preemptive (a small priority implies a higher priority), Round Robin (quantum=1) scheduling.

(ii)Calculate the waiting time and turnaround time for each process. for SRTF strategy.

This question has 0 answers so far.

In the context of process scheduling, what is starvation? Can starvation occur under the following strategies? 

(i) FCFS (ii) SJF (iii) SRTF (iv) Preemptive priority based (v) Round Robin 

This question has 0 answers so far.
Consider the following page reference string1,2,3,4,2,1,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6. How many page faults would occur for following replacement algorithm (Assume three frames): (i) FIFO (1) LRU (ii) Optimal This question has 0 answers so far.

Why page size is always a power of 2? In paging schemes, what are pages, frames and page table? 

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Explain the difference between internal and external fragmentation 

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Discuss the various Memory management schemes.

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Define the criteria of comparison among CPU scheduling algorithms 

This question has 0 answers so far.
What is file allocation table? This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the necessary condition for a dead lock occurrence? How can you prevent a system from deadlock? This question has 0 answers so far.
What constitute a state of a system? What is safe state? Describe an algorithm to check whether a given stato is safe or not? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is race condition? What criteria a solution to solve race condition should satisfy? Designa software solution to avoid race condition for 2 processes that satisfies all the criteria that a solution to race condition should satisfy. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is explicit multitasking? Using an example show that explicit multitasking improves the performance of application This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the essential difference between the Distributed types of operating system? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the essential difference between the Time sharing types of operating system? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the essential difference between the real times types of operating system? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the essential difference between the Batch types of operating system? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is virtual memory? What hardware supports are needed to implement virtual memory?Ilustrate with the help of an example that FIFO page replacement algorithm may encounter more number of page faults encountered by LRU page replacement algorithm. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the (i)contiguous (ii)linked(iii ) indexed disk block allocation methods. Discuss their merits and demerits. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define mutual exclusion? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is disk scheduling. What are its main objectives? This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by process coalescing? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is Process Control Block (PCB)? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is system calls? Give several examples of system calls? This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the main features of a graphical user interface. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the difference between spooling and buffering. This question has 0 answers so far.
Winte four optimizing criteria for CPU scheduling. This question has 0 answers so far.

(d) Briefly explain how starvation is avoided in the operating system.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Describe the need for Device management. Explain techniques used for managing and allocating devices.

This question has 0 answers so far.

a) What is Critical-Section problem? What are the requirements that critical-section problem must satisfy for its solution? 

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(b) Consider the following snapshot of the system:


Answer the following question using the Banker's Algorithm:

(i) Derive the Need Matrix.

(iii)A request from process P1 arrives for (0, 4, 2, 0), can this request be granted immediately or not? 

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(a) What is semaphore? Describe how semaphore can be used for block wake up synchronization between processes.

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(b) What is dining philosopher problem? Explain monitor solution to dining philosopher problem.

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(a) Consider the following set of processes with length of CPU burst times(given in milliseconds) and arrival time as specified:


Draw Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these processes using preemptive SJF scheduling algorithm. Also calculate the average waiting time. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(f) Why do some systems keep track of the type of a file, while others Ieave it to the user and others simply do not implement multiples file type? Which system is "better"?

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(e) Explain the concept of Thrashing, when it occurs?

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What is boot strapping? This question has 0 answers so far.

(c) Discuss the structure of Process Control Block (PCB) and explain the utility of each variable.

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(b) List the necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur.

This question has 1 answers so far.

(a) What is Belady's Anomaly?

This question has 1 answers so far.
Write short notes on the Hardware protection. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write short notes on the Swap space management. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write short notes on the Logical fie versus physical file system. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the layout of the UNIX file system. What is the structure of -node? How does the path name gets translated to i-node number. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe FCFS, SCAN and CSCAN disk scheduing algorithm. This question has 0 answers so far.