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(a) Write a short note on three scheme architecture. 

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(a) What is timestamp based protocol?

(b) Distinguish between non scrializable and serializable schedules.

(c) Define the concept of minimal cover

(d) Discuss the ACID properties of a transaction.

(e) What is the loss-less join decomposition?

(f) What do you understand by DCL commands?

(g) How is a weak entity set different from a strong entily set?

(h) Write the syntax of selection and projection operations in relational algebra.

(i) Differentiate between equi join and natural join.

(j) When is a query called relationally complete?

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(a) Explain the difference between a weak and a strong entity set with an example, We can convert any weak entity set to a strong set by simply adding appropriate attributes. Why, then, do we have a weak entity sets? Give examples. 

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Differentiate between the following:

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Consider the following MAILORDER relational schema describing the data for a mail order company.

PARTS(Pno, Pname, Qoh, Price, Olevel )

CUSTOMERS(Cno, Cname, Street, Zip,Phone)

EMPLOYEES(Eno, Ename, Zip, Hire Date)

ZIP CODES Zip city)

ORDERS (Ono,Cno, Eno, received, Shipped)

ODETAILS(Ono. Pro. Qty)

The attribute names are self-explanatory: Qoh stands for quantity on hand. Specify the following queries using Relational Algebra:

(a) List the name of parts that costs less than Rs. 200

(b) List the name and cities of employees who have taken orders for parts costing more than Rs.500

(c) List the name of customers who have ordered parts from employees living in Mumbai

(d) List the name of customers who have placed exactly we orders.

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(a) What is the purpose of integrity constrain in SQL?

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(b) What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clause? 

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(c) differentiate between Outer and Inner Join operations?

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(a) Define BONE. How is different from 3NF? Present an example of a relation in 3NF that is not in BCNF.

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(b) A table R has attributes A,B,C,D,E and satisfies the following functional dependencies:

A -> BC

B -> D

CD -> E

E -> A

(i) What are the candidate keys?

(ii) Is this table in 2NF/3NF/BCNF? 

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(a) What is a concurrent transition?What are the problems associated with concurrency? 

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(b) What is a two-phase locking protocol? How does it guarantee serializability? 

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(a) What is a timestamp? How does the system generate timestamps? 

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(b) What are the rules followed to ensure serializibility in multiversion techniques based on timestamp ordering? 

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(a) What is a deadlock? How are deadlocks handled? What is deadlock prevention and how is it different from deadlock detection and deadlock recovery?

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Writes notes on the following

(a) Checkpoints

(b) Triggers and Assertions

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(c) EER Model

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Differentiate between the following:

(d) Closed and open hashing

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(b) List the ACID properties. Explain the usefulness of each.

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A database represents each AIRPORT, keeping its unique AirportCode,the AIRPORT Name, and the City and State in which the AIRPORT is located 

(a) Each airline FLIGHT has a unique number, the Airline for the FLIGHT, and the Weekdays on which the FLIGHT is scheduled (for example, everyday of the week except Sunday can be coded as X7).

(b) A FLIGHT is composed of one or more FLIGHT LEGs (for example, flight number co1223 from New York to Los Angeles may have two FLIGHT LEGs: leg 1 from New York to Houston and leg 2 from Houston to Los Angeles). Each FLIGHT LEG has a DEPARTURE AIRPORT and Scheduled Departure Time, and an ARRIVAL AIRPORT and Scheduled Arrival Time.

(c) A LEG INSTANCES is an instance of a FLIGHT LEG on a specific Date (for example, C01223 leg 1 on July 30, 1989). The actual Departure and Arrival AIRPORTs and times are recorded for each flight leg after the flight leg has been concluded. The Number of available seats and the AIRPLAN used in the LEG INSTANCE are also kept.

(d) The customer RESERVATIONS on each LEG INSTANCE include the Customer Name, Phone, and Seat Number(s) for each reservation.

(e) Information on AIRPLANES and AIRPLAN TYPEs are also kept. For each AIRPLAN TYPE (for example, DC-10), the TypeName, manufacturing Company, and Maximum Number of Seats are kept. The AIRPORTs in which planes of this type CAN LAND are kept in the database. For each AIRPLANE, the Airplane Id, Total number of seats, TYPE are kept.

(i) Draw an E-R diagram.

(ii) Map E-R diagram to Relational model.

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(a) Discuss insertion, deletion and modification anomalies. Why are they considered bad? Illustrate with examples.

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b) Why should NULL in a relation be avoided as much as possible? *Discuss the problem of spurious tuples and how we can prevent it.

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(a) What are the difference among primary, secondary, and clustering indexes? How do these differences affect the ways in which these indexes are implemented? Which of the indexes are dense, and which are not? 

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(b) What is meant by cost-based query optimization? Discuss the cost components for a cost function that is used to estimate query execution cost. 

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(a) What is a serial schedule? What is a serializable schedule? Why is a serial schedule considered corrent? Why a serialitzable schedule is considered correct? 

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(b) What is the two-phase locking protocol? How does it guarantee serializability? 

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(a) Discuss the problems of deadlock and starvation, and the different approaches to dealing with these problems.

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(b) What is a functional dependency? What are the possible sources of the information that defines the functional dependencies that hold among the attributes of a relation schema? 

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Consider the employee database of Figl., where the primary keys areunderlined. Give an expression in SQL for each of the following queries.

         employee (employee_name, street, city)

         works (employee_name, company name, salary)

         company (company name, city)

         manages (employee_name, manager name)

(a) Find the names and cities of residertce of all employees who work for "First Bank Corporation. Find the names, street addresses, and citics of residence of all employees who work for "First Bank Corporation" and earn more than $10,000.

(b) Find all employees in the database who do not work for "First Bank Corporation."

(c) Find all employees in the database who earn more than each employee of "Small Bank Corporation."

(d) Assume that the companies may be located in several cities. Find all companies located in every city in which "Small Bank Corporation" is located.

(e) Find the company that has the most employees. 

(f) Find those companies whose employees earn a higher salary, on average, than the average salary at "First Bank Corporation."

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Differentiate between the following:

(a) Physical and logical data independence

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Differentiate between the following:

(b) Distributed database and object oriented databse

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Differentiate between the following:

(c) Primary key, candidate key and superkey

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Write a short note on

(ii) Candidate key

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b) Explain different types of Data Independence.

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(a) Explain the term Generalization and Specialization with suitable example

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b) Suppose you have a table for a dance studio. The attributes are dancer's identification number, dancer's name, dancer's address, dancer's telephone number, class identification number, day that the class meets, time that the class meets, instructor name, and instructor identification number. Assume that each dancer takes one class, each meets only once a week and has one instructor and each instructor can teach more than one class. Dancer Dancer ID, Dancer_Name, Dancer Address, Dancer Phone, Class ID, Class_Day, Class_Time, Instructor_Name, Instructor ID) Draw an entity- relationship diagram (ERD) for this database.

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(a) Explain the SQL operators BETWEEN, AND, IN, LIKE and IS_NULL by taking suitable examples. 

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(b) Discus various data types available in SQL.

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(c) SQL allows attributes to have a special value NULL, which is called the null value. What are three common interpretations that can be put on null values? 

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(a) What is a weak entity sct? What are two principles sources of weak entity sets? Give examples to explain. 

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(b) What do you understand by referential integrity constraint and attribute-based check constraint?

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(b) Differentiate between Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML).

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(c) Write a short note on 3NF. 

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(a) List the difference between Equijoin and Natural join. Give example of each join operation.

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(b) What are the problems caused by data redundancies? Can data redundancies be completely eliminated when a database approach is used? Explain this with the help of an example. 

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(a) Describe Two Phase Locking protocol with suitable example. 

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(b) Describe Deadlock with suitable example and also explain about recovery from the deadlock. 

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Write a short note on 

(i) fit Primary

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Draw an ER diagram for The Book Club. It has members to whom the books are sold. The books are made available at different places in the city-called Book Club Chapter-to make it easy to members. The books are identifies by a book id, the author and the publisher. An author can write more than one book and a book can have more than one author. Members have information such as Membership id, Name, Phone# and status. A member can place more than one order. Choose additional attributes for the schema that seems appropriate. Mention any assumptions you make. Show minimum and maximum cardinality ratios based on the assumptions.

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Write a short note on

(iii) Super key

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Write a short note on

(iv) Derived attribute

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Write a short note on

(v) Multivalued attribute

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Answer the following:

(a) What do you mean by functional dependency? Discuss with suitable example. 

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Answer the following:

(b) What is lock? What are the various types of locks used for concurrency control?

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Answer the following:

(c) Describe any four main functions of a database administrator.

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Answer the following:

(d) Define the following terms giving examples for each of them: Entity,attribute, role and relationship between the entities. 

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Answer the following:

(e) Differentiate between database management system and file system.

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(a) Given the following relations:

Vehicle (reg.no, make, colour)

Person (eno, name, address)

Owner (eno, reg.no)

Write expressions in relational algebra to answer the following queries:

(i) List the names of persons who do not own any car.

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(a) Given the following relations:

Vehicle (reg.no, make, colour)

Person (eno, name, address)

Owner (eno, reg.no)

Write expressions in relational algebra to answer the following queries:

(ii) List the names of persons who own only Maruti Cars, 

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(a) Given the following relations

Vehicle (reg.no, make, colour)

Person (eno, name, address)

Owner (eno, reg.no)

Write expressions in relational algebra to answer the following queries: 

(ii) list the names of persons who own only Maruti Cars.

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Write short note on:

(a) Time Stamp Based Concurrency Control.

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Write short note on:

(b) Backup and Recovery Techniques 

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Write short note on:

(c) Serializable and Non Scrializable Transactions

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