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(a) Add and subtract the following two sparse matrices.


This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Perform insertion sort on the following values.

6, 55, 11, 10, 18 

This question has 1 answers so far.

Define the following term:-

(a) Priority Queue

This question has 1 answers so far.

(a) Define hashing. Why do we use hashing? Discuss any two hashing methods with example,

This question has 0 answers so far.

 (b) Insert the following values in the order of their occurrence 30, 31 in the given B tree of order 5.


This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the working of insertion sort with suitable example. This question has 1 answers so far.
Define the time complexity & search a mode in a binary search tree,Whether your time complexity is ratio for left or light skew & binary search tree? Justify. This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Classify primitive and non-primitive data structures. Discuss the operations performed on data structures. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Evaluate the following postfix expression using stacks 


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(a) Differentiate between linear search and Binary search.

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(b) Write code for insertion and deletion in a queue .

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Define Queue. In what ways a queue can be implemented?

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Q6 Write a program to search an element using Binary search technique.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) The following sequence gives the pre-order and inorder of the Binary Tre T:


     Draw the diagram of the tree.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) What do you know about B-Tree? Write the steps to create a B-Tree? 

This question has 0 answers so far.

Q4 Write an algorithm to sort a number list using Insertion sort and provide an example to verity the algorithm.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Write an algorithm to convert an infix expression to Post fix expression.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Define the following term:-

(d) Selection sort

This question has 0 answers so far.

Q2 Write a C program to perform PUSH and POP operations on a stack. 

This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm for merge sort. This question has 0 answers so far.
(Discuss the role of 'Hashing in data searching. How is it different from other searching techniques? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain different types of searching techniques Give a suitable example to illustrate binary search. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe B-tree indexing with suitable example. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is AVL tree? Explain various possible nodes types in this tree. Also explain various rotations to balance an AVL tree. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the preorder, inorder and post order traversals of a binary tree with suitable example. What are left and right skewed binary search trees? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain with suitable example the insertion and deletion operations in a binary search tree. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define a binary tree. Compute total number of nodes in a binary tree of height h. This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Write a function to insert a node at the end of single linked list.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Which sorting technique is better and why? Explain with an example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Compare Selection sort and Merge sort.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Which searching technique is best and under what conditions?Justify your answer with the help of an example.

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Construct an AVL search tree of the following values

                   11, 20, 23, 5,3 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Construct Binary Search Tree of the following keys in the order shown 

              1, 2, 3, 15, 8, 25, 7, 9, 10, 13 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Construct B-tree of order 3 by inserting the following keys in the order shown. 

         18 19. 6, 10, 40 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Consider the following binary tree T with N-10 nodes. What is the inorder traversal of the tree?


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(a) A binary tree T has 09 nodes. The inorder and preorder traversals of T yield the following sequences of nodes. 

Inorder: D G B A H E I C F

Preorder: A B D G C E H I F

Draw the tree T 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Write a function to delete a node from beginning of double link list.

This question has 0 answers so far.

Q8 Write an algorithm for inserting a node in linked list:

(a) At the Beginning

(b) At the end

(c) At the specified location

This question has 0 answers so far.

(b) Discuss D-queues and priority queues. What are the applications stacks and queues? 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(a) Explain why circular queue is better than linear queue? 

This question has 0 answers so far.

(e) Write a Recursive function to count number of nodes in Tree.

This question has 1 answers so far.

(d) Write the preorder traversal of the following tree.


This question has 0 answers so far.

(c) Convert the following infix expression into postfix expression.


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Define the following term:-

(e) Sparse matrix

This question has 0 answers so far.
Write C function that finds the total number of nodes in a linked list. This question has 0 answers so far.

Define the following term:-

(c) Binary tree

This question has 0 answers so far.

Define the following term:-

(b)  Linked List 

This question has 0 answers so far.
Write on algorithm for merge sorting on an numbers. Show various stages in merge sorting over the data: 11,2,9, 13, 57, 25, 17, 1, 90, 3. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by data structure? Explain the difference between linear and non-linear data structures. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm to insertion and desetion of a node into/from a Binary Search Tree. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm for converting Infix expression to Postfix form in the stack. This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the A+(B°C-(D/E^F)*G"H expression from infix to postfix. This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the (A+B/(C-D) expression from infix to postfix. This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the A+B/C-D expression from infix to postfix. This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the A*B+C/D expression from infix to postfix. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm for inserting an item into the Stack and deleting an item from the Stack. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is hashing? Explain it. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm for insertion sorting on a numbers. Show various stages in insertion sorting overthe data: 25, 17, 31, 13, 2. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm for selection sorting on a numbers. Show various stages in selection sorting over the data: 25, 17, 31, 13, 2. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the sparse matrix & its representation. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm to inserting a new node at the specified position and deleting the node from specified position in the linked list. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm for insertion and deletion in a Queue using pointers. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write the functions for insertion and deletion operations performed in the DEQUE. Consider all the possible cases. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an algorithm to insert and delete an item into/from a doubly linked list. Consider all the possible cases. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define Height balanced trees This question has 0 answers so far.
Define Complete Binary Tree This question has 0 answers so far.
Define Binary Tree. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is hash function? This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the uses of header node in a linked list? This question has 0 answers so far.
Difference between malloc and calloc functions. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by binary search tree based indexing? How is it different from multilevel indexing? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define Data Structure and also write down the difference between primitive data structure and non-primitive data structure. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the stack data structure. Also write a C function to evaluate a postfix expression. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by a sparse matrix? Write a procedure for addition of two sparse matrices. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a C function for addition of an element in 1 D array. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the differences between linear and non linear data structures. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is circular queue and how is it different from linear queue? This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by binary search tree? How is it different from conventional binary tree? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the concept of collision in hashing and its remedies. This question has 0 answers so far.
How linear search is used to find an element? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain selection sort and merge sort with suitable example. Show various stages. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a C function to concatenate two input strings. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the insertion of a mode in B-tree. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define binary search tree. Write algorithms for pre-order, post-order & in-order traversal of a binary tree. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a c function that concatenates two linear linked list. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a c function that takes a linear linked list as its input and display it in the reverse order. This question has 0 answers so far.
Implement an stack using linked list. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a c function that reverse a string and finds its length. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give an algorithm for insertion of an element in circular queue. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a c program that takes an input expression in infix notation and convert it into postfix notation. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain binary scarch with suitable example. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is an AVL tree? Why is it useful is searching? This question has 0 answers so far.