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Design a 4-bit combinational circuit decrementer using four full-adder circuits. This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain following (any five)

(a)What is register transfer language? Explain with the help of example.

(b) Design a 4-bit common bus of four registers.

(c) Differentiated between hardwired control and microprogrammed control units.

(d) Explain the different instruction formats.

(e)What is virtual memory? Explain.

(f)How interrupts are handled? Explain 

This question has 0 answers so far.
A two-way set associative cache memory uses blocks of four words. The cache can accommodate a total of 2048 words from main memory. The main memory size is 128Kx32. (1) Formulate all pertinent Information required to construct the cache memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
List sixteen logic microoperations with its Boolean function. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw the flowchart for interrupt cycle. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the space-time diagram for a four-segment pipeline. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the basic components of a memory management unit. This question has 0 answers so far.
List the sequence of microperations for implementing ISZ instruction. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the circuit associated with design of AC register and list all the statements that change the content of AC. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw three Basic computer Instruction formats, with proper opcode combinations. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain how interrupt cycle is a hardware implementation of a BSA operation. This question has 0 answers so far.
W.r.t addressing modes discuss direct address mode, indirect address mode and relative address mode. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw the block diagram of bus organization for register set of CPU along with the control word. This question has 0 answers so far.
Determine the number of clock cycles that it takes to process 200 links in a six-segment pipeline. This question has 0 answers so far.
Compare Vector processing with pipeline processing. This question has 0 answers so far.
Disuss the flowchart for Add and subtract operations This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe divide operation with the help of flowchart. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw one stage of the daisy-chain priority arrangement and explain its working. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss source-initiated and destination-initiated transfer using handshaking method for asynchronous data transfer. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the principle of locality of reference? Discuss the Cache memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the principle of locality of reference? Discuss the Mapping methods. This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the Memory address map w.r.t Main memory . This question has 0 answers so far.
Discuss the RAM & ROM chips w.r.t Main memory . This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw a diagram of a bus system for four registers with 8-bit each using three-state butter and decoder instead of the multiplexers. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give symbalic description for AND Memory Reference instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give symbalic description for BSA Memory Reference instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give symbalic description for STA Memory Reference instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give symbalic description for LDA Memory Reference instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give symbalic description for HUN Memory Reference instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
Design a one stage of the daisy-chain priority arrangement. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw a block diagram of associative memory. What is match logic? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the concept of cache memory. How it is implemented? This question has 0 answers so far.
A digital computer has a common bus system for 16 registers of 32 bits cach. The bus a constructed with MUXs. How many MUX are there in the bus? This question has 0 answers so far.
A digital computer has a common bus system for 16 registers of 32 bits cach. The bus a constructed with MUXs. What site of MUXs is needed? This question has 0 answers so far.
A digital computer has a common bus system for 16 registers of 32 bits cach. The bus a constructed with MUXs. How many selection inputs are there in cach MUX? This question has 0 answers so far.
Design a one stage Logic design that performs the four Ingin operations of X-OR,AND, OR and camplement. Use two selection variables. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between a direct and an indirect address instruction? Howmany references to memory are needed for each type of instruction to bring an operand into a procesor register? This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw a block diagram of the control unit af hasie computer. What is the purpose of IR and SC in it. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain how interrupt cycle is a hardware impiementation of a BSA operation. Draw the flow chart of interrupt cycle . This question has 0 answers so far.
List some register-reierence instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw a general bus organistion for 7CPU using 2 MUX, 1 ALU, 1 Decoder. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write down the sequence of micro operations involved in POSH and POP Operations for a stack. Show the stack operation to evaluate. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Hooth's algorithm for multiplication of signed -2's complement numbers. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain DMA controller with the help of block diagram. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is source initiated trunsfer using handshaking? Explain with block diagram,timing diagram and sequence of events. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is programmed I/O and interrupt-initiated I/O? This question has 0 answers so far.
How many 128x8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the basic components of memory management unit. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is write-through and write-back method? This question has 0 answers so far.
If a computer uses RAM chips of 1024x1 cpacity, how many chips are needed and how should their address lines be connected to provide a memory capacity of 1024 bytes. This question has 0 answers so far.
An address space is specified by 24 bir and the corresponding memory space by 16 bits. i) how many words are there in the address space? This question has 0 answers so far.
An address space is specified by 24 bir and the corresponding memory space by 16 bits. How many words are there in the memory space? This question has 0 answers so far.
An address space is specified by 24 bir and the corresponding memory space by 16 bits. If a page consists of 2K words, how many pages and blocks are there in the system? This question has 0 answers so far.
How average time is calculated to read and sector in a magactic disk system? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is bootstrap loader and locality of reference? This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the Register Transfer language with example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw the circuit of Binary Adder-Subtractor and explain its working. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the working of cache memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the Direct and Indirect address. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between Microprocessor and Micro program? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the hardware implementation of logic micro operation for AND, OR, XOR and complement logic gate. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe Three State Bus Buffer. Draw the diagrams three state buffer. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the circuit of accumulator logic. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the Instruction Cycle. Draw the flowchart for instruction cycle. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the stack organization. Write the algorithm for PUSH and POP. This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the (A+B)*[C*D+E )+F] arithmetic expressions from infix to reverse polish notation. This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the A+B/A*(B*D+C*E) arithmetic expressions from infix to reverse polish notation. This question has 0 answers so far.
Evaluate the arithmetic statement X-=(A+B)*{C+D) using zero, one, two or three Address instruction. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is pipeline? Explain the arithmetic pipeline. This question has 0 answers so far.
Design an array Multiplier that Multiplies two 4-bit number. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the Priority interrupt. This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the Daisy-chaining priority. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the different types of Mode of transfer. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the DMA controller with the help of Block Diagram. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Memory Hierarchy in a computer system. This question has 0 answers so far.
A computer use RAM chip of 1024xl capacity than How many chips are needed for providing a capacity of 1024 bytes? This question has 0 answers so far.
A computer use RAM chip of 1024xl capacity. How should their Address Lines be connected to provide a memory capacity of 1024 bytes? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is Mapping? Explain the all Mapping Methods (Associative Mapping, Direct Mapping and Set Associative Mapping). This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a three-state buffer? Explain its working. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is insert operation? Give one example. This question has 0 answers so far.
A digital computer has a common bus systern for 16 registers of 32 bits each. The bus is constructed with multiplexes. How many selection inputs are there in each multiplexer? This question has 0 answers so far.
A digital computer has a common bus systern for 16 registers of 32 bits each. The bus is constructed with multiplexes. What size of multiplexers are needed? This question has 0 answers so far.
A digital computer has a common bus systern for 16 registers of 32 bits each. The bus is constructed with multiplexes. How many multiplexers are there in the bus? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explein direct and indirect addressing modes using examples. This question has 0 answers so far.
Which addressing modes need no address fields? Explain them. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are 3 types of pipeline conflicts? Discuss them in brief. This question has 0 answers so far.
Design 2-bit by 2-bit array multiplier. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the need of input-output interface? This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a short note on memory hierarchy. This question has 0 answers so far.
An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address Celd at location 301. The address field has the value 400. A processor register R I contains the number 200. Evaluate the effective address if the addressing mode of the instruction is (i)direct (ii) immediate (iii) relative and (iv) indirect. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is a bus? Design and explains bus system using multiplexers regarding 4 registers of 4 bits cach. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw and explain the flowchart for interrupt cycle. This question has 0 answers so far.
Starting from an initial value of R-11110110, determine the sequence of binary values of R after a logical shift left, followed by a circular shift-right, followed by a logical shift-right and a clncular shift-left. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are input-output instructions? Explain all input-output instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is pipelining/pipeline processing ?Discuss with the help of suitable example. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are addressing modes? Explain all addressing modes. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a short note on memory interleaving. This question has 0 answers so far.
Show the step-by-step multiplication process using Booth algorithm when the (+5)x(+3) binary numbers are multiples. Assume 4-bit register that hold signed numbers. This question has 0 answers so far.
Show the step-by-step multiplication process using Booth algorithm when the (-5)x(-3) binary numbers are multiples. Assume 4-bit register that hold signed numbers. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is asynchronous data transfer? Discuss asynchronous data transfer using strobe cuntrol. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is asynchronous data transfer? Discuss asynchronous data transfer using handshaking with timing and block diagrams. This question has 0 answers so far.
Show the contents of registers E, A, Q and SC during the process of division of (i) 10110011 by 1001 (ii)11110000 by 0011. (use a dividend of 8 bits). This question has 0 answers so far.
Explur DMA. Discuss DMA controller using suitable block diagrams. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explair associative memory with suitable block diagram and suitable example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Giving suitable block diagrams differentiate between RAM and ROM. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is memory mapping? Explain various types of memory mapping using suitable block diagrams. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give the difference between RISC and CISC. This question has 0 answers so far.
List various Logic Microoperations. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Instruction formats, describe its various parts. This question has 0 answers so far.
A 8 bit register contain the binary value 10011100. What is the register value after an arithmetic shift right? Determine the register value after logic shift left. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the importance of memory hierarchy in computer system. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw diagram showing arithmetic pipeline for floating point addition and subtraction. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain Register Transfer Language. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw 4-bit combinational circuit decrementer. This question has 0 answers so far.
For a given below 16 bit instruction, give the equivalent four digit hexadecimal code and explain what is the that instruction. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain locality of reference in context with cache memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
A bus organized CPU has 16 register with 32 bits in each, an ALU and a destination decoder. How many multiplexer are there in A bus and what is the size of each multiplexer? This question has 0 answers so far.
A bus organized CPU has 16 register with 32 bits in each, an ALU and a destination decoder. How many selection inputs are needed for MUX A and MUX B? This question has 0 answers so far.
Convert the following arithmetic expression from infix to reversepolish notation. A.B + (C/D+E* F) . This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw adder and subtractor and explain its logic circuit. This question has 0 answers so far.
By using flowchart explain its various phases of an instruction cycle and interrupt cycle? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain various Addressing Modes used in Instruction format. Give numerical example to explain. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is Pipelining? Explain Instruction Pipelining, and three major difficulties that cause instruction pipeline to deviate from its normal operation. This question has 0 answers so far.
A non-pipeline system takes 50 ns to process a task. The same task can be processed in six-segment pipeline with clock cycle of 10 ns. Determine the speedup ratio of the pipeline for 100 tasks. What is the maximum speed up that can be achieved? This question has 1 answers so far.
Explain functioning of Booths Algorithm and Multiply (+15) X (-13) using general multiplication algorithm of Booth algorithm. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the DMA control with the help of block diagram. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the difference between the daisy chaining priority and parallelpriority interrupts. Draw the diagram to explain their working. This question has 0 answers so far.
Divide using division algorithm 10100011 by 1011. This question has 0 answers so far.
Using Block diagram explain the logic used in the associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
How many 128x8 RAM Chip are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes including one ROM Chip of 512x8. Diagrammatically explain the memory connection to the CPU. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is mapping? Explain three types of mapping procedure used in transformation of data from main memory to cache memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
A computer use RAM chip of 1024x 1 capacity. How many chips are needed and how should their address lines be connected to provide a memory capacity of 1024 bytes? This question has 0 answers so far.
A computer use RAM chip of 1024x 1 capacity. How many chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 16K bytes? Explain how the chips are to be connected to the address bus. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you understand by the branch and save return address? This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the Indexed addressing mode. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O? Also, explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is memory hierarchy in a computer system? This question has 0 answers so far.
Starting from an initial value of R=11011101, determine the sequence of binary values in R after a logical shift-left, followed by a circular shift-right, followed by a logical shift-right and a circular shift-left. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between a direct and an indirect address instruction? How many references to memory are needed for each type of instruction to bring an operand into a processor register? This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw the block diagram of control unit of basic computer and explain. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw full adder and explain its logic circuit. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the various phases of an instruction cycle? Give the microoperations of fetch and decode phases. How the first two register transfer statements are implemented? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the reverse polish notation? Explain with an example, This question has 0 answers so far.
Write down a program to evaluate Z=(A+B)*(C+D)*(G+H) by using three address instructions and zero address instructions. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you understand by the divide overflow? This question has 0 answers so far.
Show the contents of registers E, A, Q and SC during the process of multiplication of two binary numbers, 11111 (multiplicand) and 10101 (multiplier). The signs are not Included. This question has 1 answers so far.
Draw a block diagram for the DMA system showing the essential elements needed for the DMA transfer in a computer system. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the difference between the daisy chaining priority and parallel priority Interrupts. Draw the diagrams to explain their working. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the concept of virtual memory. What are its advantages? This question has 0 answers so far.
What is associative memory? Give and explain its architecture. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the differences between cache and auxiliary memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
A two-way set associative cache memory uses blocks of four words. The cache can accommodate a total of 2048 words from main memory. The main memory size is 128Kx32. What is the size of the cache memory? This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw the block diagram for the hardware that implements the following statements: x+yz: AR<-AR+ BR., where AR and BR are two n-bit registers and x, y and z are control variables. This question has 0 answers so far.
Design a 4-bit combinational circuit decrementer using four full adders. This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the two instructions needed in the basic computer in order to set the E flip flop to 1? This question has 0 answers so far.
A computer uses a memory unit with 256K words of 32 bits each. A binary instruction code is stored in one word of memory. The instruction has four parts: an indirect bit, an operation code, a register code part to specify one of 64 registers and an address part. Draw the instruction word format and indicate the number of bits in each part. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write any three functions of stack. This question has 0 answers so far.
Why does DMA have priority over CPU when both request a memory transfer? This question has 1 answers so far.
Define overflow. How can we detect overflow? This question has 0 answers so far.
Give two advantages of booth multiplication. This question has 0 answers so far.
List various resistors with their functions required for basic computer function. This question has 0 answers so far.
(1) How many 128x8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes? ii) How many lines of address bus must be used to access 2048 bytes of memory? This question has 0 answers so far.
A ROM chip of 1024x8 bits has four select inputs and operates from a 5 volt power supply. How many pins are needed for the IC package? Draw a block diagram and label all input and output terminals in the ROM. This question has 1 answers so far.
Define hit ratio. This question has 0 answers so far.
Tabulate various shift micro operations and design a 4 bit combination circuit shifter. This question has 0 answers so far.
Starting from an initial value of R-11011101, determine the sequence of binary values in R after a logical shift-left followed by a shift-right and a circular shift-left. This question has 0 answers so far.
Describe the hardware implementation of logic micro operation. Draw the diagram of one stage of logie circuit used with AND, OR, NAND and XOR gates. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between a direct and indirect address instruction? This question has 0 answers so far.
Give a suitable example to discuss insert operation This question has 0 answers so far.
Design a flow chart showing instráction cycle and interrupt cycle for basic computer operation. This question has 0 answers so far.
Tabulate various memory reference instructions. Explain BUN and BSA. This question has 0 answers so far.
Giving suitable block diagram show major components of CPU. This question has 0 answers so far.
Illustrate the influence of number of address on X=(R+S)(U-V) using three address, two address and zero address instruction. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is stack organization? Describe its function using a suitable example. Define stack limit. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is the difference between implied and immediate addressing modes? This question has 0 answers so far.
Design and discuss 2 bit by 3 bit array multiplier. Give its major advantages. This question has 0 answers so far.
atable Taling multiplicand 11111 and multiplier 01001 design of multiplication with booth multiplication algorithm. This question has 0 answers so far.
Give register configuration for hardware implementation of signed 2's compliment addition/subtraction. This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you understand by hand shaling? Discuss using suitable diagram (I)source initiated transfer using hand shaking This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you understand by hand shaling? Discuss using suitable diagram. Destination initiated transfer using hand shaking. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is priority? Name various types of priority. Discus Daisy chaining priority in brief. This question has 0 answers so far.
List four peripherals devices that produce an acceptable output for a person to understand. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is mapping? Name various types of mapping. Discuss direct mapping in brief. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a short note on memory hierarchy. This question has 0 answers so far.
A computer uses RAM chips of 1024x1 capacity. How many chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 1024 bytes? How many chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 16K bytes? This question has 0 answers so far.
Giving suitable block diagrams differentiate between RAM and ROM This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a short note on Auxiliary memory. This question has 0 answers so far.
Draw a block diagram of Associative memory. This question has 0 answers so far.

Draw a-4bit arithmetic circuit which perform all arithmetic operations and explain its functionalities. 

This question has 0 answers so far.
Define the Instruction Cycle. Draw the flowchart for instruction cycle. This question has 0 answers so far.

Explain instruction pipeline.

This question has 0 answers so far.
What are addressing modes? Explain all addressing modes. This question has 0 answers so far.

Draw flow chart for multiplication operation. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is the stack organization CPU? Explain the different stack operations with the help of example

This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate between RISC and CISC. This question has 0 answers so far.

What is asynchronous data asynchronous data transfer. Explain different methods of asynchronous data transfer.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is DMA? Draw and Explain the DMA controller in details.

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is an associative memory? Explain the hardware organization of associative memory. 

This question has 0 answers so far.

What is memory hierarchy in a computer system? Draw block diagrams and function tables of RAM & ROM chip.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Explain memory interleaving.

This question has 0 answers so far.

a) Differentiate between strobe and handshaking method in context of asynchronous data transfer.

This question has 1 answers so far.

b) What is the need of input output interface.

This question has 1 answers so far.

c) What is memory interleaving?

This question has 2 answers so far.

d) Explain with diagram Control Unit of Basic Computer.

This question has 1 answers so far.

e) Explain the Register Transfer language.

This question has 1 answers so far.

f) Give difference between RISC and CISC.

This question has 1 answers so far.

g) Give a symbolic description for the following memory reference instruction: AND, STA, BSA.

This question has 1 answers so far.

02. a) Explain construction of Bus having 4 register of 8 bit each by using the state bus buffer and a decoder.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Explain and Design a 4-bit arithmetic circuit which perform au arithmetic operations.

This question has 1 answers so far.

03 a) Explain the Instruction Cycle with the help of the flowchart.

This question has 1 answers so far.

Q4. What is a pipeline? Explain the instruction pipeline and the three major difficulties that cause instruction pipeline to deviate from its normal operation and there any two solutions problems.

This question has 1 answers so far.

b) Starting from an initial value of R-11110110, determined the sequence of binary values of R after a logical shift left, followed by a circular shift right, followed by a logical shift right and a circular shift left.

This question has 1 answers so far.

05 a) Explain all the addressing modes with an example for each.

This question has 1 answers so far.

 5 b) Evaluate the given arithmetic statement using zero, one or two address Instruction.




This question has 1 answers so far.

06 a) Multiply using Booth algorithm (+19)x(-11).

This question has 1 answers so far.

6 b) Discuss DMA. Discuss DMA Controller and DMA Transfer with block diagram?

This question has 1 answers so far.

07. a) Explain Input/Output Interface with help of a diagram.

This question has 2 answers so far.

7 b) Deline the following: (a) Priority Interrupt (b) Daisy-chaining priority

This question has 1 answers so far.

What is Mapping? Explain all Mapping Methods (associative mapping direct mapping and set-associative mapping).

This question has 1 answers so far.

a) What is Associative Memory? Explain with suitable block diagram and explain its logic.

This question has 1 answers so far.

What is the need for memory hierarchy in a computer system? Explain the block diagrams of RAM and ROM chips.

This question has 1 answers so far.