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(a) Show that the given Grammar is LL(1) but not SLR(1)


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What is the significance of symbol table in compiler? What information is represented by symbol tables? Explain the data structure used for symbol tables. 

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(h) Perform recursive descent parsing over the input mpp for the grammar.


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(g) Define FIRST and FOLLOW sets for a grammar.

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(f) What are the advantages of performing the LR parsing?

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e) Define ambiguity in a grammar.

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(d) What compiler check during the syntax analysis? Mention the role of parser with the help of suitable figure during the syntax analysis

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(c) Mention the role of Lexical Analyser in compiler design.

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(b) Design the Finite Automata for the regular expression a(a + b)a.

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(a) Distinguish between compiler and interpreter. Define Cross Compiler and identify the few cases where such cross compiler will be useful.

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Draw the Syntax Tree and DAG for the expression (a*b) + (c-d) * (a*b) + b 

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What are the criteria that need to be considered while applying the code optimization technique? Mention the issues involved in designing of code generation. 

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What is activation record? Briefly outline Run time storage administration. Discuss different error handling techniques. 

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(i) What is Peephole optimization? How is it performed Give example of peephole optimization. 

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(b) Write short comments on:-

(i) YACC

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(b) Write short comments on:-

(i) LEX 

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(a) Draw the Syntax tree for the following piece of code in the source language:If x >y then x = 3* (y+1) else y = y+l. 

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What are the benefits for the three address code generation? Consider the input string  and generate the following:

(a) Syntax Tree       (b) Posix         (c) Three address Code

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(b) Discuss all three methods which are used to perform the LR parsing. Which technique is most powerful among these three? Give justification also.

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(a) Consider the following grammar and Parse the input string int id, id; usingshift reduce parser. 


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(b) Find whether the grammar is ambiguous or not:

How to remove ambiguity from this grammar 

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(a) Design a derivation tree for the following grammar:

 Also obtain the left most and rightmost derivation tree for the string 'a+b*a+bÂș. 

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Identify the basic blocks in the following code and draw the DAG graph for the same: { inti-0,n-10; int a[n]; while(i<-in-1)) { A[i]=i*i; i=i+1; } return; } This question has 0 answers so far.
What are the issues that occurs during the code generation process? This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by peephole optimization? Explain with example, This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by the term code optimization? What do you understand by the term leader? Write algorithm to identify out the basic Blocks. This question has 0 answers so far.

Define the following term and explain with example:-

(b) Activation Record

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Write short note on:

(ii) Uses of Basic Blacks.

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Write short note on:

(i) Problems in code generation 

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(c) Explain Chomsky hierarchy of grammars. 

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(b) Construct a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) and then deterministic finite automaton (DFA) for the regular expression (a/b)c*)* 

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(a) What do you mean by front end and back end of a compiler.

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Define the following term and explain with example:-

(h) Handle pruning

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Define the following term and explain with example:-

(g) Back patching

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Define the following term and explain with example:-

(f) Shift/Reduce and Reduce/Reduce Conflicts.

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Define the following term and explain with example:-

(c) Left Recursion

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Define the following term and explain with example:-

(d) Directed Acyclic Graph.

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Define the following term and explain with example:-

c) Bootstrapping

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What are the different storage allocation strategies the runtime inenvironment of the complier? This question has 0 answers so far.

Define the following term and explain with example:-

(a) Lexeme, Token and Pattern

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a) Why we need code optimization? Explain Strength reduction, Sub expression elimination, dead code elimination and loop optimization techniques.

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C Explain different data structures for symbol table implementation and compare them 

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(b) Explain how scope information is represented b y symbol table.

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(a) What are the uses of symbol table in different phases of compiler Design?

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(b) Translate the following expression to quadruple and triple representation

A=-B * (C+D/E 

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(a) Construct a syntax directed translation scheme that translates arithmetic expressions from infix to postfix notation. The solution should include context free grammar and semantic rules. Show the application of your scheme with the input given below.

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[b] Lenstruct the canonical parsing table for the grammar given below.


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(a) Explain Recursive Decent Parser with example.

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(b) Give parse tree's and derivation's leftmost and rightmost] for the grammar and input string given below.


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(j) What is DAG? What are the advantages of using DAG?

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a. Consider the following grammar: 

i) Obtain LR(0) items. 

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b. Explain the following with an example:

    i) Quadruples

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a. Explain how DAG will help in intermediate code generation Construct & DAG and a three address code for the expression 

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c. Define the following with example:

ii) L-attributed definitions.

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c. Define the following with example:

i) S-attributed definitions

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b. Obtain SDD for simple type declaration. Construct a dependency graph for the declaration float a, b, c along with evaluation order.

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a. For the given productions shown below, write semantic rules and construct annotated parse tree for 3*5+4n

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b. Consider the following grammar:

iii) Show the parsing steps for the string "baaba". 

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b. Consider the following grammar:

ii) Construct canonical LR(1) parsing table.

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b. Consider the following grammar:

i) Compute sets of LR(1) items. .

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.a. Consider the following grammar: 

iv) Check whether the given grammar is SLR or not.

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.a. Consider the following grammar: 

iii) Obtain SLR parsing table

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a. Consider the following grammar: 

ii) Compute FIRST and FOLLOW

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b. Explain the following with an example:

   ii) Triples

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For the following grammar  indicate the handle in the following right sentential from 00001111.

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What is meant by handle pruning? Show the working of a shift reduce parser for accepting id + id*id, considering the grammar: 


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a. Show that the following grammar is net LL(1) without constructing parsing table.

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c. Write a recursive descent parser for the grammar:.  and for the input "cad" trace the parser.

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iv) Show the moves made by the predictive parser on the input (a, (a, a)). 

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 b. Given the grammar

iii) Construct the predictive parsing table.

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 b. Given the grammar

ii) Construct FIRST and FOLLOW sets.

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 b. Given the grammar

i) Make necessary changes to make it suitable for LL(1) parsing. 

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a. Show that the following grammar is ambiguous:

Write an unambiguous grammar for the same.

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c. Construct a transition diagram for relational operators.

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b. Explain input buffering strategy used in lexical analysis phase.

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What is the process of identifying basic blocks in code optimization phase? This question has 0 answers so far.
What are different types of errors that occurs during, lexical, syntactic and semantic phase. This question has 0 answers so far.
How the data is stored in symbol table for block and non-block structured languages? This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by symbol table? Write an example that shows how different phases of complier interact with symbol table. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write the three address code for: - a(a+b)*(c+d)+(a+b+c) This question has 0 answers so far.
Write the three address code for: (i) while(a<5)do a:b+2) This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by three address code? Explain how the three address code is represented vis quadruples, triples and Indirect triples with example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate between S-attributed and L-attributed SDT's. Write the steps to create the SDT for any problem and write SDT for converting any number from binary to decimal. This question has 0 answers so far.
Write an SDT to count the number of binary digits in a binary number. (Hint:1011 count is 4) This question has 1 answers so far.
Construct a LR (1) parsing table for S->Aa|bAc|dc|bda A->d This question has 0 answers so far.
What do you mean by Handle? Check whether the grammar E->E+T|T,T-a is LR(0) or not This question has 0 answers so far.
Write a SDT for converting infix expression to post fix expression by taking suitable example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate between top-down and bottom-up parsers with example. This question has 0 answers so far.

a. Explain with a neat diagram, the phases of a compiler. Mention the input and output for each phase with an example, "position initial + rate* 60"

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What is back patching? Explain with example. This question has 0 answers so far.
What is left recursion and left factoring? Explain each with example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Differentiate between SDD and SDT with example. This question has 0 answers so far.
Explain the process of Bootstrapping in complier design with example. This question has 0 answers so far.

b. Generate the 3-address statements for the following programming construct and obtain the basic blocks for generated code




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a. Briefly explain various issues in code generation phase.

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c. Define local and non-local data.

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b. What is garbage collection? Explain the design goals of garbage collector.

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a. Describe the general structure of an activation record. Explain the purpose of each item in the activation record. 

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c. Explain syntax directed translation of switch statement.

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Explain the following with an example:

iii) Indirect triples

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